the Smelly Monkeys podcast

A podcast between a father and sons that covers a range of fun and interesting topics as we take a look at the world . . . our world. . . of sports, music, animals, and technology. The show provides the humor and wisdom that only kids can provide. Hosted by 8 yr old twins and their Dad. Enjoy - Gareth, Trevor, & Simon -- Visit us at

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Looking for that perfect gift?

Check the CD "Armpits and Things" by the Egerton Boyz from Smelly Monkeys. 26 songs including "Get Out of Bed" (sample quality), “Trevor’s Girlfriend”, “My Dad is a Dork”, “Eat Your Vegetables”, “You Can’t Wear That”, and more. Order now at $6.50.

Or you can also go to like I did last night.


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